Supervisor Safety Resources

Supervisor Resources:

How to Register for Training
EHS Training Recordkeeping Workbook
Training Needs Assessment Form
Safety Training Fact Sheets
Attendance Form

The following safety courses will assist supervisors in understanding their responsibilities and providing safety leadership guidance.

Behavior-Based Safety for Supervisors (1 Hour ):

This course is intended to provide supervisors with an overview of the concepts of behavior-based safety. It will define behavior and identify the scope and purpose of a behavior safety program, distinguish the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor and the employee, identify factors that cause incidents (environmental vs. personal factors), identify the influences on behavior, determine how to effectively observe behavior, identify behavior reinforcement concepts, specify ways to motivate employees and address the human factor, and recognize the importance of attitude and how it affects safety on the job describe transactional analysis.

LEAD for Supervisors/Managers– Safety  (1 Hour – Human Resources sponsored classroom):

This course is designed for supervisors and managers to assist them with the implementation of safety policies and procedures within their work environments.  Course participants will receive an understanding of EHS services, general overview of University safety policies, and the role they play within the EHS system at UNC Charlotte.  

LEAD for Supervisors/Managers– Worker's Compensation  (1 Hour – Human Resources sponsored classroom):

This course is designed for supervisors and managers to assist them with understanding how the workers’ compensation program is administered by the State of North Carolina and at UNC Charlotte.  Workers' compensation topics covered will include incident reporting, medical treatment, return to work program, Third Party Administrator (TPA), potential legal issues and supervisory responsibilities.